Saturday, November 24, 2007

"No artificial growth hormone" to be banned from milk labels in Pennsylvania

Monsanto managed to get the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture to ban labels on milk and dairy products that say it comes from cows that haven’t been treated with artificial bovine growth hormone, which is sometimes known as rBGH or rBST. Agriculture officials in Ohio are contemplating a similar decision.
Monsanto is the leading purveyor of genetically-modified seeds and other organisms meant for the food supply. As of today, they've successfully lobbied to get our government to prevent labeling GMOs. For some reason, milk producers have so far been allowed to state when they did not use Monsanto's hormones -albeit in a circonvoluted fashion. This allowed us consumers to make informed choices. Is this move in Pennsylvania going to gain momentum, once again at our expense?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Growth Hormone for humans is best taken in homeopathic form. I wonder if the same would be true in bovines?