Sunday, October 28, 2007

Book Review: Appetite For Profit: How the food Industry undermines our health and how to fight back

In this groundbreaking book, Michele Simon, public health attorney, shows how the Food Industry - fast foods and beverages & processed foods manufacturers - has been undermining our health.
She covers everything from vending machines in schools, marketing to children, the 30-year battle to make restaurants label nutrition information and the collusion with our government officials to prevent food regulations to the co-opting of scientists and the medias to push their profit-making agenda at our expense.
She exposes such ubiquitous phrases as "energy balance" and "personal responsibility" as being devised by Big Food in order to avoid being blamed for the current chronic diseases epidemic, while pretending to be "part of the solution".
She concludes her case with a manual on how to work with school boards, the media & legislature to create a "just food system", which would fix our current corporate-controlled food supply and stop the commercialization of chilhood.
This book should be required reading in schools, government circles and the press.

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